Can Dimension Conversion Chart

Can sizes are given in the nomenclature usually employed in the industry, which avoids the confusion of conflicting local names of cans. In this system, the cans are identified by a statement of their dimensions (overall diameter and overall height). Each dimension is expressed as a number of three digits. The first digit gives the number of whole inches, while the next two digits give the additional fraction of the dimensions expressed as sixteenths of an inch. The first number given in the size of each can is the diameter, and the second number is the height. For example, a can designated as 303 x 406, is 3-3/16 inches in diameter and 4-6/16 inches in height, with in the manufacturing tolerances. The dimensions are ''overall'', the diameter being measured to the outside of the double seam., and the height including the entire seam at each end of the can. The following table lists the dimensions of common sizes used in industry and their approximate metric equivalents. The metric equivalents were calculated on the basis of 1 inch equals 25.40 millimeters.

Source:National Food Processors Association Bulletin 26-L, 12th Ed. 1982

Diameter x Height

Diameter x Height

Diameter x Height

Diameter x Height

Full can of water
at 68 dF
in OZ

202 x 204
202 x 214
211 x 109

54.0 x 57.2
54.0 x 73.0
68.3 x 39.7

307 x 113
307 x 200.25
307 x 306

87.3 x 46.0
87.3 x 51.2
87.3 x 85.7


211 x 212
211 x 304
211 x 400

68.3 x 69.9
68.3 x 82.6
68.3 x 101.6

307 x 400
307 x 409
307 x 510

87.3 x 101.6
87.3 x 115.9
87.3 x 142.9


300 x 109
300 x 400
300 x 407

76.2 x 39.7
76.2 x 101.6
76.2 x 112.7

307 x 512
401 x 411
404 x 307

 87.3 x 146.1
103.2 x 119.1
108.0 x 87.3


301 x 10.6
301 x 408
303 x 406

77.8 x 34.9
77.8 x 114.3
81.0 x 111.1

404 x 700
603 x 405
603 x 408

108 .0 x 177.8
157.2 x 109.5
157.2 x 114.3


 303 x 509

81.0 x 141.3

603 x 700
603 x 812

157.2 x 177.8
157.2 x 222


The most common sizes for FISH, MEAT, & POULTRY

 209.5 x 208 x 107 Al 2 piece can   3.25 OZ inside coating - OSC  EZO END
 211 x 108 steel 2 piece can  3.25 OZ inside coating - OSC  EZO END & PLAIN END
 301 x 106 steel 2 piece can  4 OZ inside coating - OSC  EZO END & PLAIN END
 301 x 408  16g inside coating - OSC  
 307 x 110 steel 2 piece can  6 OZ. inside coating - OSC  EZO END & PLAIN END
 307 x 200 steel 2 piece can NESS  8 OZ inside coating - OSC  EZO END & PLAIN END
 401 x 201 steel 2 piece can  14.2 OZ inside coating - OSC  PLAIN END
 401 x 204.5 steel tin /coat 3 piece can  16 OZ inside coating - OSC  PLAIN END
  • All EZO ends special order
  • EZO ends require special can seamer retooling. This is a special order inquire for specifics.
  • EZO ends require special retort processing controls.
  • For home canners safety, EZO ends are sold to licensed canners only or qualified accounts with proper equipment.
  • Home can seamers require a special machined turn table or base plate. This base plate must match the bottom profile of the can being seamed so the can will close properly.

    When ordering tell us what product is to be canned/ packaged so that we may recommend the best lining to fit your needs. For more information on two piece cans click here.

    These are the special turntable base plates required to seal two piece drawn cans to the manufacturer's specifications. Embarcadero Home Cannery base plates are custom machined to those specifications.

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    All original material Copyright Embarcadero Home Cannery, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
    Site by Lolo Milk Designs